Wed, 3:30pm–4:30pm
9 classes, Jan 16 – Mar 13
With Larissa Blokhuis
Trout Lake Community Centre
3350 Victoria Drive, Art Studio
Age 2 to 5
Craft draw paint
Polymer clay is an easy and effective medium for making all sorts of 3D items, from beads and buttons to sculptures. Have fun hand sculpting while making interesting and unique pieces of art. 12031.102TL
Register for the course on the Trout Lake website, here.
To attend the sample class, please register here.
Introduction to Felting
Thu, 7:00pm–8:30pm
8 classes, Jan 17 - Mar 7
With Larissa Blokhuis
Trout Lake Community Centre
3350 Victoria Drive, Art Studio
Age 16 and up
Craft draw paint
Felted wool is a fun and diverse medium. You can make everyday items such as scarves and hats, or soft sculptures. Patterns, images, and text are all possibilities with this great medium. You will learn wet felting, and needle felting in this class. No experience necessary. Please pay instructor for $55 starter kit at the first class. 42006.102TL
Register for the course on the Trout Lake website, here.
To attend the sample class, please register here.